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So you have your first plant growing in water, and you don’t know what to do next. Fear not! We’ve put a guide together with practical strategies for a healthy, happy plant family. Growing plants in water are beautiful and simple. No other growing method allows you to observe root growth next to plant growth. Watching root systems develop can be just as rewarding as watching a new leaf shoot. Even better, growing plants in water are incredibly simple.

1. Stick to a regular check-in schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to being a successful plant parent. We recommend that you check on your plants at least twice a week. Here is a quick and easy checklist you can use when reviewing your plant’s health:

2. Research your plants to grow more familiar with them

Every plant is unique. Getting to know their tendencies and nuances is one of the best places to start with your new plant.We recommend documenting and researching your plants to learn what is and is not typical for their behavior. Optimal lighting, humidity, and temperatures can vary from plant to plant, so don’t skip over that section as well. Check out our Plant Resource Page for more information!

3. Location, Location, Location!

Not all areas of the home are created equal. Some are warmer, and some are brighter. Even within a single room, temperature and light can vary. Moving plants around to optimize aesthetic and growth is one of the joys of plant parenting.

A few tips. Most houseplants hate cold and dry environments, so avoid placing your plant in front of an open window during the winter or over a vent. Direct sunlight can be traumatizing for some plant varietals, causing discoloration or brown spotting.

4. Personalize your plant with official nameS

Embrace plant parenthood by giving a name and identity to the new addition to your family. This both personalizes your plant parenting journey and helps you feelconnected to your plants.

5. leaf care is key!

Leaf care is an essential process to maintaining your plant’s natural beauty. But it can be tricky to understand at first. Leaves start to yellow for two reasons: your plant is showing signs of stress, or nothing is wrong, and it’s simply the leaf’s time to go.

6. Stay positive, You’re still a great plant parent!

Sometimes the best plant parents kill the most plants. That’s right. It happens, you learn from it, and you’ll be a better plant parent for it in the future. It can be easy to get down on yourself after having a bad run of dead plants, but it happens to the best of us. Have patience with yourself. 

Fortunately, growing plants in water are incredibly simple. Many of the challenges of growing in other mediums are removed, improving your chance to raise happy, healthy plants for a long, long time. If you’re just starting your plant journey, growing a plant or two in water may be your best first step.

7. Remember to Hydrate Your Plant Babies

We recommend that you add water to the glass every 1 weekto replenish the water that evaporated or absorbed by the plants for healthy plants. Additionally, you’ll want to replace the waterevery 2-4 weeks.For larger plants, you may need to check and water more frequently. Most tap water works great but distilled, or filtered waters are recommended if available.

8. Promote growth by giving your plants nutrients once a month

Hydroponic nutrients are a great way to support your plants in water after your plant propagates. Liquid nutrients are essentially solid nutrients that are dissolved in water. When growing plants in water, it is crucial to support your plant’s growth with nutrients to avoid later health problems.

1 drop of liquid nutrients every month if you’re focused on encouraging leaf growth—otherwise every 2 months. If you see a new leaves or roots forming, especially after your plant propagates, we recommend adding 1 to 2 additional drops of nutrients to support the new growth

9. Don’t be afraid to grow your plant family!

After mastering the art of plant care, adding new plants to your collection is both fun and, dare we say, addicting! Having a large and diverse plant family helps bring more life to your space. We have many plants you can choose to learn about on our plant resource library!

