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Easy plants for beginners

Growing plants indoors has become a trend that won’t disappear anytime soon. People have started preferring indoor plants over their outdoor counterparts for their aesthetic value and ability to purify the air and remove toxins from the atmosphere. Having indoor plants at home also benefits your mental health, helping you de-stress and relax after a long day. But if this is your first time growing plants, you might be wondering which indoor plants are best for beginners.

Checking out plant care instructions before buying any plant can help you avoid ending up with something you cannot care for properly. In this article, we’ll show you some of the easiest houseplants to grow as a beginner—no matter how little previous knowledge or experience you have with plants in general.

What Makes Good Houseplants for Beginners?

Know Your Light Levels

Many houseplants require a lot of light to thrive, and if you don’t have enough indoor light for them, they will suffer and die. Some plants, like palms, require full sun. Other plants, like ferns and philodendrons, are shade plants and need very little light. If you don’t have a place with enough light, you might have to invest in some special grow lights to get the job done.

Knowing How & When to Water

Some indoor plants, like ferns, cacti, and orchids, don’t need much water, while others, like palms, are extremely thirsty and need to be watered often. Knowing how often to water your indoor plants is a key part of growing healthy plants. Watering too much or too little can result in sick and dying plants. If you’re just starting out, you can use a general rule of thumb of watering your plants when the soil feels dry to the touch. If you have a watering can, you can also keep an eye on the water levels in your plants’ pots and refill them as needed. Over-watering is the number one culprit for plant death! 

Understanding Your Climate

Some plants are better for specific climates than others. For example, if you live in a dry climate, you will have to water succulents more often than other plants. If you live in a humid area, you will have to water orchids less often. 

If you’re not sure which plants will do best in your climate, you can always do some research to find out and refer to the list below. And if you get a plant that doesn’t do well in your area, don’t give up! You can always find a more suitable plant for your climate.

How to choose the best plant wall for your needs  

There are a few things you'll want to consider when choosing the best plant wall for your needs. First, think about the size of the empty wall you're working with, is it for indoor or outdoor use? Second, think about the look you're going for and what your design style is, wether it's an indoor plant wall or an outdoor one. The third point you'll want to think about the budget for your green wall.

Easy to Take Care of Plants:

Golden Pothos

Alocasia Growing in Water

A Golden plant is an excellent choice for beginners. It’s a beautiful and decorative plant whose care is generally easy and straightforward. You can choose from various Golden plant varieties, including Golden Showers, Golden Splendor, and Golden Gate. Pothos plants can be either grown indoors or outdoors. They thrive in the average home, and they don’t require any special conditions.

Spider Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

A Spider Plant is also a great option to start with. It’s one of the easiest houseplants to grow and doesn’t require much attention. This plant is perfect for beginners or those who are busy and don’t have much time.

The Spider Plant is an excellent air purifier and a natural insect repellent. It has large leaves that resemble a spider’s legs, which is where it gets its name. The Spider Plant can also be used as an outdoor plant but doesn’t do well in extreme temperatures.

Snake Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

The Snake Plant is another excellent option for those new to the plant world. It grows quickly, doesn’t need a lot of special care, and can thrive even in low-light conditions. This plant is decorative and can be used as a centerpiece in any room. It gets its name from its long, dark green leaves resembling a snake's tongue. The Snake Plant is easy to propagate and is often used as a housewarming gift.

Dragon Tree

Large propagation plant wall

Another excellent choice for beginners is the Dragon Tree. It’s a beautiful and unique plant with long, green leaves with a red stripe down the center. This plant is relatively easy to grow, despite its exotic appearance. It requires little water, so you can water it infrequently.

The Dragon Tree is one of the best air purifying plants, so it’s perfect if you have allergies or want to clean your indoor air. 

Moon cactus

Alocasia Growing in Water

The Moon Cactus is a unique plant with a green stump with a vibrant round dome on top that comes in an assortment of colors! It’s one of the easiest plants to grow and perfect for beginners. The Moon Cactus can be grown indoors and outdoors, so it’s a good choice for people with a mixed indoor/outdoor living space. It doesn’t require much water, so it’s great for people who are forgetful about watering their plants.

Lucky Bamboo

Alocasia Growing in Water

Bamboo is the classic houseplant that most people think of when they think of indoor plants. There are several different types of bamboo, and they all make excellent houseplants. Bamboo is one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. It doesn’t require much water, so you can water it infrequently. It also doesn’t require special conditions, like direct sunlight, so it’s a great indoor plant for people living in medium to low light areas.

Bamboo is a decorative indoor plant that can be used as an ornamental piece. It’s a beautiful houseplant, and it’s a great choice for beginners who want to start indoor gardening but don’t know where to begin.

Fishbone Cactus

Alocasia Growing in Water

The Fishbone Cactus is a unique and interesting plant. The Fishbone Cactus is a decorative indoor plant that doesn’t require special care. It grows well in low-light areas and doesn’t require much water. It’s also easy to propagate and multiply, so it’s a great plant for those who want to start an indoor garden but don’t know where to begin.

Aloe vera

Alocasia Growing in Water

The Aloe Vera is one of the classic houseplants. It’s one of the easiest plants to grow, and it can be used both indoors and outdoors. The Aloe Vera is a great choice for beginners because it’s very forgiving. You can neglect it, and it will still survive.

Aloe Vera is also useful for its medicinal properties. It’s known for being able to heal skin, so it’s a great household item to keep around the house. The Aloe Vera doesn’t require special care, and it grows well in just about any environment. It’s perfect for people who have a black thumb because it’s tough to kill.

Holiday Cactus

Alocasia Growing in Water

The Holiday Cactus is a decorative indoor plant perfect for people who want to add a bit of holiday cheer to their home. The Holiday Cactus is a decorative indoor plant that makes an excellent gift because it comes in a variety of different colors and patterns. 

ZZ Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

ZZ plants are beautiful, hardy houseplants. If you get one when it’s young, it should be able to survive on very little attention. Plus, ZZ plants are known for their ability to purify the air, making them a great addition to any space. These plants have shiny green leaves marked with a distinctive zigzag pattern.

ZZ plants are tropical plants that need to be kept warm to thrive.These plants prefer moist soil rich in nutrients and would also appreciate occasional fertilizer. You can water them just once every one or two weeks.

Ox Tongue

Alocasia Growing in Water

Ox tongues are a great choice if you have kids or pets, as they are resistant to breaking. These plants also make great additions to offices, as they can help improve the air quality. Ox tongues prefer more sunlight than ZZ plants, but they don’t require too much attention to keep them happy. 

Jade Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

Jade plants are also known for their ability to purify the air. They like plenty of sunlight and warm temperatures, so keep them near a window with direct light or warm artificial light. Jade plants prefer to stay moist but don’t like to be too wet. You can water them once every 1-2 weeks. If your jade plant loses its vibrant color, it might be getting too much or not enough water.

Peace Lily

Alocasia Growing in Water

Peace lilies are one of the most common houseplants, making them an excellent choice for beginners. This plant is easy to care for, but it also happens to be one of the best air purifiers—leading to a healthy, clean home. Apart from looking beautiful and purifying the air, peace lilies are also very easy to maintain.

They don’t require too much sunlight and prefer to be kept on the moist side but not soggy. You can water them once every one or two weeks. Like many other plants, peace lilies also benefit from an occasional fertilizer.

Donkey's Tail

Alocasia Growing in Water

This is another tough houseplant that’s easy to take care of. Donkey’s tails are beautiful plants with thick leaves, long vines, and pretty pink flowers. They prefer to be kept on the warm side and have indirect light, making them a great choice for indoor growing.

If you want to keep your donkey’s tail happy and healthy, you’ll have to water it regularly. These plants prefer to be kept moist. 

Prayer Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

The prayer plant is a great choice for beginners trying to care for indoor plants for the first time. This plant is easy to take care of and is one of the best air purifiers, clearing the air of toxins like formaldehyde.

Aside from being easy to care for, prayer plants are also very visually appealing. They have long, thin leaves often variegated in shades of green and red. While prayer plants like plenty of light, they don’t do well with direct sunlight. They also require a bit of humidity.


Alocasia Growing in Water

This beautiful, lush tropical plant makes a great houseplant. However, you will have to be careful to keep it from outgrowing its pot as they are known to be very invasive. Philodendrons like plenty of bright light and warm temperatures, making them ideal indoor plants. 

Philodendrons love moisture and prefer to stay wet, so you will want to water them frequently. They also benefit from a bit of fertilizer now and then.

Money Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

The money plant, also known as the pachira aquatica, is a popular houseplant that is one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. It requires very little maintenance, even for those new to plants. You can even keep it in your office as a symbol of good luck!

The money plant is named after its leaves, which resemble the leaves of a tree native to South America. It also produces new shoots, called “offsets,” at the base of its trunk that can be removed and replanted to grow new money plants.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

Alocasia Growing in Water

This is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors and one of the most beautiful. Orchids are also great for improving the air quality in your home, making them a great choice if you’re looking to add more plants.

Orchids prefer to be kept in a warm environment, and they like to dry out almost completely before being watered again. Be sure to keep them out of too much light while they’re flowering to ensure the flowers last as long as possible! 

Devil's Ivy

Alocasia Growing in Water

This is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors and one of the most beautiful. Orchids are also great for improving the air quality in your home, making them a great choice if you’re looking to add more plants.

Orchids prefer to be kept in a warm environment, and they like to dry out almost completely before being watered again. Be sure to keep them out of too much light while they’re flowering to ensure the flowers last as long as possible! 

Basil Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

This is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors and one of the most beautiful. Orchids are also great for improving the air quality in your home, making them a great choice if you’re looking to add more plants.

Orchids prefer to be kept in a warm environment, and they like to dry out almost completely before being watered again. Be sure to keep them out of too much light while they’re flowering to ensure the flowers last as long as possible! 

Air Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

Air plants are a unique addition to your home that require very little care. They’re perfect houseplants for beginners. These tropical plants are also known as Tillandsia, epiphytes, or Spanish moss. They’re originally from Central and South American countries but can be easily grown indoors in pots.

Air plants don’t require much watering and can be kept in various containers. They also don’t require much light and can be placed on shelves or bookshelves, as well as hung from the ceiling.

Cast Iron Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

The cast iron plant is another sound, decorative houseplant that’s easy to maintain and take care of. It’s also known as aspidistra, and is native to Asia. Its leaves are densely-packed and usually dark green, making it an excellent plant for removing indoor pollutants.

Cast iron plants prefer to be kept in moderate indirect light and thrive in low light conditions. You should water it when the soil is completely dry, and add some fertilizer every once in a while. While many indoor plants are easy to care for, you must select plants that meet your space requirements. When choosing houseplants for beginners, keep in mind the amount of sunlight, water, and fertilizer each plant needs.

Cast Iron Plant

Alocasia Growing in Water

The cast iron plant is another sound, decorative houseplant that’s easy to maintain and take care of. It’s also known as aspidistra, and is native to Asia. Its leaves are densely-packed and usually dark green, making it an excellent plant for removing indoor pollutants.

Cast iron plants prefer to be kept in moderate indirect light and thrive in low light conditions. You should water it when the soil is completely dry, and add some fertilizer every once in a while. While many indoor plants are easy to care for, you must select plants that meet your space requirements. When choosing houseplants for beginners, keep in mind the amount of sunlight, water, and fertilizer each plant needs.


What is the easiest houseplant to have?

There is no single plant that is the easiest to have. Instead, some plants are easier to care for in general. Some of the best indoor plants for beginners include aloe vera, spider plants, ferns, snake plants, and philodendrons. Ferns, philodendrons, and spider plants are often used as floor plants, so you don’t have to worry about them growing too tall and becoming difficult to manage.

How many houseplants should I start with?

When you’re first starting, choosing a few easy-to-grow plants is probably a good idea. You can always add more plants later as you become more confident in your ability to care for them. If you have ample space, you can choose several large plants.

If you want your indoor plants to help purify the air in your home, you might want to choose plants known for removing toxins from the air. Some of the best plants for purifying the air include spider plants, aloe vera, snake plants, and philodendrons.

Final Thoughts

Start your journey into plant care with indoor plants. These plants can be so rewarding by adding some life and vibrancy to your home, while also cleaning the air. If you’re just starting, you should choose one or two easy-to-grow plants. You can always add more plants later when you’re more confident in your ability to care for them! 

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