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Plant Wall Decor: 5 Stunning Ways to Decorate with Plants

Large propagation plant wall

Sometimes, when we are feeling a little lazy, it's best to get out of the way and let nature take over. Spruce up any boring white wall with indoor hanging plants.

Plants that grow in water are a great aesthetic addition to your home decor, easy to maintain, and level up your home air quality!

Greenery is calming well- so why not bring some into your home with a plant wall? Not only will it add just what you need in terms of decoration but also give you something nice to look at if space is limited.

What Is a Plant Wall?

A plant wall is an arrangement of plants that’s designed to be used as a living wall. They can be composed of all the same type of plant or they could be a mix of different types. These can come in many shapes, sizes and colors. The possibilities are endless!

Do you love the look of a well-cared-for indoor space? Or maybe you love the idea of a greener home? Indoor plants offer a ton of benefits for your home, from making it smell better to keeping it cleaner. But beyond that, they can also have a huge impact on how you feel.

They can be an excellent stress reliever, and they can also help you get the most out of your space. Indoor plant walls can be an excellent way to spruce up your home and make it feel like a living space. They also help to create a more unified look and feel, so they're ideal for large homes as well as small ones. Setup some vertical garden planters and watch the energy of your space shift (for the better:)


Indoor plant walls can be a great way to spruce up your home. They offer an excellent opportunity for you to express your style and personality in the room.

They can also be a great way to make your space feel more like a living environment.

If you want some inspiration on what plants work best, consider succulents, ferns, ivy, and mosses. These plants are low-maintenance and won’t overgrow in your space. You can also play around with different arrangements until you find something that fits your taste best!


You can find a guide on any plant on our site here. But when in doubt, find medium or bright indirect light for your plants to thrive.

Outdoor plant walls can help you get the most out of your backyard by adding a layer of privacy or giving you more room for entertaining. Pick a few and experiment with some vertical garden planters.

Modern Botanical's Top 5 Plant Wall Ideas

1.  Living Walls

Alocasia Growing in Water

Living walls maximize the amount of plants you can bring into your home. They are a wall madeup of plants and vertical space. You can scatter plants in vases, or create a full frame to get thiseffect. 

Giant, framed living walls are costly and difficult to maintain. Most of the living walls you’ve seenat luxury resorts or lobbies, most likely rely on automatic watering, and need to be consistentlycared for. 

You can mimic the traditional “living wall” look with large leafed plants, carefully placed vinesand hanging vases! 

This plant oriented design is a beautiful addition to your home, and can accommodate for avariety of vines, succulents or other greenery.

2. Propagation Stations

Alocasia Growing in Water

“Propagation stations” is a term to describe set areas where plant lovers propagate new plants from their favorite stems. With time and care, a proper leaf clipping propogates and produce roots - and can then be planted.

What many novice indoor gardeners don't know is that you don't need to transfer their newly propagated plant to a different environment! Many indoor plants thrive in hydroponic setups.

With Modern Botanical hanging frames, you can decide to switch out plants or keep themthriving indoors.

Propagating plants also creates a great learning environment for little ones in your home. Your children can learn about different plants, what they need, and how they grow! Have fun setting up vertical garden planters.

3. Succulents

Alocasia Growing in Water

Once you understand their needs, succulents are one of the easiest to maintain plants you can

bring into your home! They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and almost any color to suit

your design preferences.

If growing in usual soil, you can lightly water them every few weeks. If you’re growing them in

water (our preferred choice) they can pretty much take care of themselves!

They key to growing succulents in water is preparation. Be sure to choose the right plant (not all

thrive in water), like the a jade plant. Succulents should be transplanted after about 6 months of

growing in just water. Just find the right wall plant holders and you'll be set.

4. Vines

Alocasia Growing in Water

Vines and climbing plants thrive indoors, sometimes so well they can get unruly!

If you’re looking for a simple plant that will provide ample greenery to your home decor, look no


There are a couple of ways you can incorporate vines into a plant wall. As vines tend to grow

fast, proper pruning is key. You can loop vine stems around shelves, hang up a trellis, or let the

plant pour over from hanging vases.

They provide a unique look and can be used in any room of your home.

5. Living Gallery Wall

Alocasia Growing in Water

Plant walls dont have to be overpowering! Framed plants make an interesting addition to your

existing gallery wall. The subtle green brightens up a space, and provides a different texture to

your carefully crafted selection.

How to Create a Plant Wall

It may sound a little bit strange, but there’s a lot of value in wall decor. In fact, if done correctly,

wall decor can really give your home a boost of color, pattern, and life. Plus, creating gorgeous

wall decor doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. In fact, you can create gorgeous wall decor for

practically nothing. It’s almost too good to be true, but hear us out. By repurposing your plants,

you can create gorgeous wall decor instead of having to buy new decorations. All you need is a

little bit of creativity, a lot of plants and the correct plant wall holders. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Find Your Plants

You can take clippings from your favorite plants or venture to your local garden store to find the

perfect addition to your design.

The key is to try to bring in a variety of colors, sizes and textures to give your plant wall a fun

cohesive design that really brings the outdoors into your home. With plants that grow in water,

you can easily switch out leaves as well!

Find a full list of plants that grow in water, here.

Step 2: Decide What You’d Like to Accent

Next, you’ll want to decide what you’d like to accent your wall. This could be anything from a

single plant to a whole wall of plants, so don’t be afraid to get creative! Check out our list below

for some ideas.

You can accent your wall with almost anything, including plants and wallpaper, furniture,

paintings, metals, and more. You can also use plants to create a border around your home’s


Step 3: Gather Your Materials

Once you’ve decided on your accent, you’ll want to gather your materials. How are you going to

present your plants? Hanging baskets, frames, or water vases are all options.

Step 4: Cut Your Plants to Size

Once you’ve gathered your materials, you’ll want to cut your plants to size. You don’t need many

plants to build a beautiful plant wall. With just a few clippings of your favorite plant (Alocasia Regal Shield, anyone?) you’ll be set to start a growing wall. Each vase should have one to two

stems - you want to give your plants space!

By doing this, you’ll be able to control how much of each piece you have. Its best to cut new

leaves right at the base of their stem at an angle.

Step 5: Arrange Your Wall Decor

After you’ve cut your plants to size, it’s time to arrange your wall decor. This can be done in one

of two ways: either you can lay the plants out on the ground and arrange them in a pleasing

way, or you can just wing it!

Step 6: Hang Up Your Wall Decor

Once your wall decor is arranged, it’s time to hang it up! Make sure to refresh your plant’s water

every 2 weeks to keep them thriving.

Key Traits to Consider

Vases: In our opinion, it's best to first make sure your plant is in a large enough container. A

small jar or vase just won't cut it for most plants-they need room to grow!

Water: The next thing you want to do is check on how often you're refilling or changing out your

water supply and be mindful about replacing the water if it's been over 2 weeks since the last

change (or 1 week with minimal light).

Sunlight: lighting needs vary by plant type, but many prefer medium-bright indirect sunlight as

long as they are not close enough that direct sun exposure scorches their leaves.

Check out our indoor gardening guides for more expert tips.

Final Thoughts

Adding some plant wall decor doesn't have to be hard! We've designed a variety of vases, test

tube frames to easily create a green wall in any space. If you've had poor luck gardening with

potted plants, try propagation with leaf cuttings; your home will look like a jungle in no time!

Checkout plant wall sets
