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What are Water Plants?

Water plants are a type of aquatic plant that grows in or near water. There are many different types of water plants, and they can be divided into two main categories: submerged plants and floating plants. Submerged aquatic plants grow completely underwater, while floating plants grow on the surface of the water. Some common examples of water plants include the water lily, lotus, the water hyacinth, and water lettuce.

Growing plants in water has recently been gaining in popularity due to them being easier to take care of than growing in wet soil. While growing in water you don't need to have unique watering schedules, you don't get fungus gnats and you are able to identify problems like root rot easier as you can view the roots in water.

What Plants can I grow in water?

We've been amazed at how many plants grow great in water. Along with your classic pond plants, aquatic plants, bog plants and deep water plants, the majority of houseplants grow great in water. Wether you are setting up water gardens, a beautiful pond or just want an easier way to grow houseplants, growing in water is a great option.

Aquatic Plants

Aquatic plants offer many benefits, both to the environment and to people.

First, aquatic plants play a crucial role in the health of the environment. They provide food and habitat for fish and other aquatic creatures, and they help keep the water clean and healthy.

Second, aquatic plants can be beneficial to people. Many aquatic plants are edible, and they can be used to make herbal medicines. Aquatic plants can also be used to decorate ponds and water gardens, and they can be used in indoor water gardens to improve air quality. Some of the most popular aquatic plants are lotus', hyacinths, water lettuce, moneywart and Java Ferns. The Water Lily is a super popular aquatic plant due to being a very attractive plant that grows on the water surface.

Bog Plants

Bog plants are a type of plant that can be found in swampy areas with wet soil. There are many different types, they can be divided into two main categories: carnivorous plants and non-carnivorous plants. Carnivorous plants trap and digest insects in order to get nutrients, while non-carnivorous plants do not eat insects. Some common include the pitcher plant, Venus flytrap, sundew, and bladderwort.

Bog plants offer many benefits to the environment. They provide food and habitat for animals, help keep the water clean, and improve air quality. They are also great to be used to decorating ponds and water gardens. Some of the most popular bog plants are pitcher plants, Venus flytraps, sundews, bladderworts, and ferns. Venus fly traps are our favorite plant as it's so fun to them trap bus and use them for nutrients. We've actually grown the Venus flytraps in our Modern Botanical Frames, it was fun seeing it grow in water beautifully displayed in our house.

@modernbotanicalshop The smal event that got this all started and why we’re so big on growing in soiless mediums! #founderstory#plantbusiness#sandiegosmallbusiness♬ Solo Tú - eydrey

Houseplants growing in water.

Growing in water is a favorite trick of many green thumbs. It's all about selecting the right plants that grow roots which utilize the oxygen in water, similar to how they would when grown in soil or other similar mediums. 

For those plants, water delivers oxygen, moisture and nutrients to efficiently grow houseplants with minimal upkeep. Many people get introduced to this through water propagation, but then get hooked as they see how that you can grow easily. There are many houseplants that grow great in water, pothos, tradescantia, alocasia's and anthuriums are some of our favorites. You can see a more in depth of plants that do well by clicking here: Plants that Grow in Water.

Pond plants.

Pond plants offer many benefits to ponds and water gardens. They provide food and habitat for fish and other aquatic creatures, and they help keep the water clean and healthy.  

There are many different types of pond plants, and they can be divided into two main categories: submerged plants and floating plants.

Submerged pond plants are plants growing completely underwater, while floating pond plants grow on the surface of the water. Some common examples of emergent plants include the water lily, lotus, the water hyacinth, and water lettuce.

Some of the most popular emergent plants are water lilies, lotuses, water hyacinths, water lettuce and many other plants.

Water Garden Plants

A water garden is a garden that features a body of water, such as a pond or fountain, as its main feature. Water feature can be a small water fall, fountain, infinity style pool with a water's edge and any type of creative water features you can think of. It's especially great to set it up early summer, watch the plants grow through the mid summer. By the late summer, you'll be impressed with all the root development and how large the leaves have become.

It's fun to setup a water garden with the best water plants. You can setup a mix of plants that live on top of the water surface and below the water's surface. Water lilies and a water fern is a great place to start. We also love traditional houseplants such as golden pothos or tradescantia swimming on the water's surface. Make sure they have at least a few inches of water, with that they should thrive.

Grow Frames to Display Plants

Looking to bring your home life with houseplants? Give growing in water a try. The Modern Botanical Frames can all be purchased with plants included. If your looking for some larger plants and vases to give your home some interior design flare, checkout these vase and plant combos. Have fun :)
