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Ficus decora Tineke 

Rubber Tree Plants (formally referred to as Fiscus Elasticas) are hardy and slender in nature. They are generally really easy to care for once they've adjusted to their new home. We know that they're more comfortable with birghter lighting than other plants. The Fiscus Tineke is one of the highly variegated varietals within the Rubber Tree family and tend to have higher light needs in order to maintain their beautiful leaf colors. 

Something to keep in mind when growing a Ficus Tineke in water is that they hate sudden changes in environment, so it is important to stay consistent in your plant care. 

plant overview  


Native to India and Indonesia

plant family


Other common names

Ficus Tineke Plant is a variety of Ficus Elastica (botanical name). Ficus Elastica is more commonly known as the Rubber Tree, Rubber Tree Plant, and India Rubber Fig. 

other varieties

Other Rubber Tree varieties include the Burgundy Rubber Tree, Ficus Alii, Ficus Altissima, Ficus Audrey, Ficus Benjamina, Ficus Danielle, Ficus Ginseng, Ficus Repens Green, Ficus Spire, and Variegated Ficus.


Toxic to pets and humans. Watch out for the milky substance that could leak out of your rubber tree if it's cut. This oozing sap is a mildly toxic and can irritate your skin, so please wash with warm water and soap immediately if you've come in contact with it.

growing your FICUS DECORA TINEKE in water

replacing water

For healthy plants, we recommend that you add water to the glass every 1-2 weeks (or if you see that water levels have lowered) to replenish the water that evaporated or absorbed from the plants. Then, replace the water every 2-4 weeks.

Most tap water works great but distilled or filtered waters are recommended if available. 


We recommend adding 1-2 of liquid nutrients to your plant’s water every month. If you see a new leaf or flower forming, you should add an additional drop of nutrients to further encourage and support new growth.


Since the Ficus Tineke is more variegated than other varieties, it prefers more bright, indirect light. You may see that, when it's not receiving enough sun, it can lose color and pattern in their leaves. On the other hand, avoid burning your rubber tree in direct sunlight.  


Like most tropical plants, we notice that Rubber Trees loves warm temperatures (65-85 degrees Fahrenheit). A general rule of thumb for many houseplants is that if you are comfortable, then they will be comfortable too!


Ficus Tineke do well in regular household humidity. If your home tends to be on the more dry side, we definitely recommend regularly misting your rubber plant from time to time (especially during more dry seasons). You can also set a container of water near your plant, as the evaporating water will increase the humidity.

Leaf care & pruning

  • Rubber Trees have large leaves and tend to collect dust, so cleaning the leaves will promote better light absorption for photosynthesis. Simply use a damp cloth or sponge and wipe them down.
  • Yellowing or brown leaves can be removed at the base of the plant, immediately above the node, using a sharp, sterile knife. It is recommended to leave 1-2 leaves because a single node will often shoot off new leaves on its own.

Propagation tips

When propagating a Fiscus Tineke in water, we've had success with submerging a node in water. Try not to take too large of a cutting because the plant may require more than it can support while in the propagation stage. This can end up killing your plant later on. A proper cutting would have about 2-7 leaves still attached. After about 4-8 weeks, you should see your plant sprouting roots! With the proper care and attention, you'll be sure to see new leaf growth in no time. 

Common issues & care info

Dry or Drooping Leaves

Identification: Crispy or drooping leaves, brown edges

Cause: Not enough oxygen in water, low humidity

How to treat:Start by removing the browning leaves with sterile knife or scissors. After, replace the water with a fresh glass. This will replenish the oxygen in the water (giving more energy for your plant to photosynthesize). We recommend adding water to the glass every week and replacing the water every 2-4 weeks. You're welcome to add nutrients for an extra health booster. To help with humidity levels, try misting your plant more often and any of the other tips explained in our care section above.

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