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Peace Lily

The peace lily is a tropical plant that is almost always in bloom. This is because it is actually not a lily at all. Its iconic white “flowers” are considered bracts (modified leaves). The key to a happy and healthy peace lily is finding a perfectly shaded place for it to live in your home. This is because too much sunlight can lead to many health problems for your peace lily. We find that most peace lilies thrive in low-lit areas away from any windows.

Also, this beauty tends to grow large and fast in water (given the season or living environment). So, it is important to regularly replace the oxygen in the water and supply your peace lily with the proper care and attention. Like many houseplants, a peace lily's leaf appearance is one of the the best indicators of plant health. 

plant overview  


Native to tropical regions of America and Southeastern Asia

plant family


Other common names

The botanical name for the peace lily is Spathiphyllum. This beautiful plant is also known as the closet plant and spath lily.

other varieties

The peace lily comes in many different shapes and sizes. Some of the popular variations are Spathiphyllum Power Petite, ​Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa Supreme, ​Spathiphyllum Sensation,​Spathiphyllum Mojo, ​Spathiphyllum Golden Delicious, and ​Spathiphyllum Starlight. 


Mildly toxic to pets and humans if consumed.

Growing your peace lily in water

replacing water

For healthy plants, we recommend that you add water to the glass every 1-2 weeks (or if you see that water levels have lowered) to replenish the water that evaporated or absorbed from the plants. Mature Peace Lilies (and other larger houseplants) may need to be watered more frequently. Then, remember to replace the water every 2-4 weeks.

Most tap water works great but distilled or filtered waters are recommended if available. 


We recommend adding 1-2 of liquid nutrients to your peace lily's water every month. To further encourage and support leaf growth, we recommend adding an additional drop of nutrients if you see a new bract or leaf forming. 


Peace lilies prefer low-medium sunlight and very sensitive to lighting conditions. A great spot for your peace lily would be a partially shaded area in a well-lit room, a bit away from any bright windows or direct sunlight.

For peace lilies that have is any variegation on its leaves, they may have a higher tolerance to light than others types. 


For peace lilies, and other tropical plants, Ideal temperatures are from 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. A general rule of thumb for many houseplants is that if you are comfortable, then they will be comfortable too!


Peace lilies prefer moderate to high humidity, but can do well in most home settings regardless of humidity level. We recommend that you spritz them with water every now and again to give it a bit of humidity. 

Leaf care & pruning

  • Cleaning the leaves will promote better light absorption for photosynthesis. Simply use a damp towel or cloth and wipe them down.
  • Yellowing or brown leaves can be removed at the base of the plant, immediately above the node, using a sharp, sterile knife. It is recommended to leave 1-2 leaves because a single node will often shoot off new leaves on its own. 

Propagation Tips

We have the most success propagating peace lilies by directly transplanting established soil roots into water. You would first remove the plant from its pot, and then clean off any dirt from the roots. It is very important to be careful when untangling the roots from the soil to avoid any damage to the plant. After, you want to check for the plant's root health--and remove any rotten or damaged roots with a pair of sterilized shears/scissors. 

Just like that, your peace lily is ready to be submerged in water! It wil take between 4-8 weeks for your peace lily to acclimate to its new growing environment.

Common issues & care info

Leaves Turning Yellow or Brown

Identification: yellow leaves, brown crispy leaves 

Cause: Too much light exposure can cause leaves to turn yellow or brown. If you notice that the leaves are becoming crispy, then this means the leaves receiving direct sunlight and are burnt from the sun rays. 

How to treat:First, remove any yellow or brown leaves if they are completely damaged by using sterile scissors or knife. Then, move your Peace Lily away from a window or other bright light source to an area with partial shade.

The "Flower" begins to turn green

Identification: The white of the peace lily's "flower" (bract) is turning a light green color

Cause: Overexposure to bright light

How to treat:Move your Peace Lily away from a window or other bright light source to an area with partial shade. If you continue to see the green spreading, consider finding another environment where you're able to control the amount of light it receives.

Leaves Begins to droop

Identification: drooping leaves 

Cause: lack of oxygen in the water (common in larger, mature peace lilies), cold temperatures

How to treat: If the cause is a lack of oxygen, simply replace the water for the plant. After, continue to replace the water every 2-4 weeks. If the case temperature imbalance, move your Peace Lily into a warmer room and away from drafts (AC vents, heaters, open windows). Finding the perfect area for your peace lily can be tricky, but you'll see your plant happy and thriving once you've found it.

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