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Philodendron Minima

The Philodendron Minima is the perfect mix between a Philodendron and a Monstera. The leaves are large and beautiful, similar to the Monstera, however it's a vining plant. Although the leaves are similar to the Monstera, they are a bit larger and the holes are not symmetrical. These plants are fairly straighforward to take care of, we've found them to thrive growing in water.

plant overview


Native to tropical forests of Central America

plant family


Other common names

Mini Monstera, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, Philodendron Ginny, Philodendron Piccolo

other varieties

There are a number of beautiful monstera varieties, ranging in color and size. Some of those include the Monstera Borsigiana, Monstera Variegata, Monstera Adansonii , Monstera Pinnatipartita, Monstera Dubia, Monstera Siltepecana, Monstera Obliqua, and Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma or “Mini Monstera”. 


The Philodendron Minima is toxic to pets if consumed.

growing your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma in water

replacing water

For healthy plants, we recommend that you add water to the glass every 1 - 2 weeks (or if you see that water levels have lowered) to replenish the water that evaporated or absorbed from the plants. Then, replace the water every 2-4 weeks.

Most tap water works great but distilled or filtered waters are recommended if available. 


We recommend feeding 2 drops of liquid nutrients to your monstera every month. In addition, when you see your monstera shooting a new leaf, we recommend adding another drop or to in order to support the plant growth! 


Philodendrons love bright indirect light. Find your sunniest room and place your monstera across from the windows and it's sure to be happy and grow! 


Monsteras are a tropical plant. Ideal temperatures for them are from 65 to 80 degrees fahrenheit. 


Philodendrons prefer medium to high humidity but do will in most home settings regardless of humidity level. 

Leaf care & pruning

  • Cleaning the leaves will promote better light absorption for photosynthesis, simply use a damp towel or cloth and wipe them down
  • Yellowing or browned leaves can be removed at the base of the plant, immediately above the node using a sharp, sterile knife. It is recommended to leave 1 to 2 leaves though a single node will often shoot off new leaves on its own. 

Propagation tips

Philodendrons are a common plant to propagate because they tend to do so at a very high rate, are a fairly common house plant, and are easy to care for. Propagating monsteras generally entails removing one or two nodes, with attached leaves and submerging those nodes in water. Given proper temperatures and lighting, most monsteras will begin shooting roots within a few weeks any only continue growing from there. 


On our Instagram page (@modernbotanicalshop), we post tons of cool information about growing plants in water. We cover an array of topics such as water propagation tips, new and unique plants we are currently growing in our homes, as well as some insights of growing specific plants in water.

Follow us on Instagram for more care tips for growing your Monstera in water!

Common issues & care info

Yellowing or browning leaves

Identification: leaves discoloring to yellow then eventually brown and die. 

Cause: Insufficient light, lack oxygen in the water, or the monstera has yet to show roots.

How to treat:If the water in your glass vase hasn't been changed within the last few weeks, we recommend starting there. Additionally, monsteras like bright indirect light so moving your plant a bit closer to a window or light source could help as well. 

Brown spots, papery edges, black spots

Identification: Brown or black spots or papery edges

Cause: Over exposure to direct sunlight

How to treat:Move your monstera from the window area, ideally across the room from a sunny window

